TÜBİTAK MAM Polar Research Institute was awarded by popular vote in the project contest held by the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations!

Binvezir yoghurt, produced with national starter culture developed by TÜBİTAK MAM, goes on sale as a healthy alternative with its traditional sour taste.

At the 27th ICCI Energy Awards Ceremony, TÜBİTAK MAM's innovative efforts in energy sector were crowned with "PEM Electrolyzer Development Project".

A cooperation protocol in the fields of Maritime Law, Climate Change, and Polar Research was signed between TÜBİTAK MAM and DEHUKAM in a ceremony held at the TÜBİTAK Gebze Campus.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Oruç Baba İnan visited TÜBİTAK MAM. He closely examined the state-of-the-art studies carried out at TÜGİP Food Innovation Center.

The scientific delegation that conducted the 3rd National Arctic Scientific Research Expedition returned homeland after completing scientific studies within the scope of 14 projects.

TÜBİTAK MAM and DEFACTO signed a Goodwill Agreement for the development of clothing to be used in Arctic Expeditions.


Duyuru Arşivi

T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı (Sözleşme Makamı) tarafından yürütülmekte olan Avrupa Birliği Katılım Öncesi Mali Yardım Aracı (IPA) Rekabetçilik ve Yenilik Sektör Operasyonel Programı kapsamında " COVID-19'a Karşı Bilimsel Yanıt (SciREACT) " isimli proje tüm dünya ve ülkemizi etkisi altına alan COVID-19 ile mücadele etmek ve bu konudaki araştırma ve geliştirme çalışmalarını desteklemek amacı ile Marmara Araştırma Merkezi tarafından yürütülmektedir.
The "Scientific Response Against COVID-19 (SciREACT)" project, conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey (Contracting Authority) within the framework of the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Competitive Sectors Innovation Operational Program, aims to combat and support research and development efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the entire world and our country. The project is being implemented by the Marmara Research Center.
TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi (MAM) TBTK.MAM.2023-1 no’lu iş ilanı için 19/07/2023 ve 20/07/2023 tarihinde yapılan mülakatlara katılan adaylar mülakat sonuçlarını TÜBİTAK İş Başvuru Sisteminde yer alan "Başvurular" alanından öğrenebilirler.
6 Şubat Afet Bölgesinde Artçı Deprem & Sismik Tehlike Çalışmalarımız ve Paleosismoloji Araştırma Platformuna ilişkin Sanal Konferansı TÜBİTAK YouTube kanalından takip edebilirsiniz.


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