TÜBİTAK's National Starter Culture on Shelves in Binvezir Yoghurts

TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center researchers from Life Sciences Vice Presidency analyzed the cultures they isolated from Anatolia according to their technological properties and developed a culture with long shelf life that is suitable for traditional sour yoghurt taste. Production trials were made with this culture developed by MAM at the facilities of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of Turkiye, and the yoghurt with a traditional sour flavor has been placed on shelves.

Strains (subspecies) of each bacteria species have different characteristics. In addition to variety of strains contained in cultures, the ratios of cultures also significantly affect the properties of yogurts. Owing to technological property tests and TÜBİTAK MAM expertise, the characteristics of yoghurts to be formed with selected cultures can be predicted; and it becomes possible to develop cultures according to targeted characteristics. In order to allow the use of cultures in industrial yoghurt production and to create a yoghurt culture combination that allows yoghurt production with desired characteristics both in laboratory and in industrial scale, the growth kinetics of the cultures are determined; and the medium and incubation conditions ensuring appropriate culture ratio on industrial scale are optimized. TÜBİTAK MAM researchers successfully completed these processes.

With the expertise of TÜBİTAK MAM, traditional sour flavored yoghurts produced with the yeast of these lands have hit the shelves of all BİM stores across our country.

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