Organizational Culture and Policies


Becoming a pioneer center in the world in science and technology production.


Creating sustainable scientific and technological solutions for Turkey with research, development and innovation capabilities.

TÜBİTAK MAM Management Policy

In order to achieve its mission, TÜBİTAK MAM undertakes to

  • Contribute to the determination of the national priorities in science and technology,
  • Develop and manage its resources in order to support national and institutional priorities,
  • Carry out activities for finding scientific and technological solutions for national requirements,
  • Develop national and international scientific and technological cooperations,
  • Utilize the scientific and technological solutions developed,
  • Adopt the continuous improvement philosophy at institutional level and work in conformity with national and international principles and standards in business ethics, environment, quality and occupational safety and health.



  • To have the qualifications of expertise and universal science ethics and responsibilities,
  • To be open to change and development in technology and technology-management as a pioneer,
  • To comply with the principles of confidentiality,
  • To share the basic knowledge gained by using public resources, with the society,
  • Not to be an obstacle in front of fair competition,
  • To respect the nature,
  • To respect personal rights and encourage development,
  • To make sure that technology does not harm the environment.
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