An easy-to-place 24-channel system for practical, fast and low-cost data collection in engineering-oriented shallow seismic studies consisting seismic reflection, refraction, tomography and surface wave methods
Product Properties:
- Ability to modify geophone ranges (from 0.5 m to 10 m)
- Ability to use varying geophone frequencies
- Ability to use vertical, horizontal or 3-component geophone
- Faster operation and lower labor costs than conventional seismic work owing to the ability of being towed by various vehicles
Usage Area:
In areas with proper topography;
- Investigation of buried faults
- Investigation of landslide and sinkhole areas
- Detection of old galleries in mining sites
- Determination of S-wave velocity for soil classification
- Archaeological studies
and efficient and low-cost data collection in similar areas
Private/public institutions working on geosciences