Flow Estimation And Basin Optimization System For Dams And Hydroelectric Power Plants

A wide-scale system that allows the estimation of future water flow into dams and hydroelectric power plants (HEPP), the determination of optimization model components and flood-specific and annual operational programs and the accessibility of entire outputs through a web-based user interface software

Product Properties:

  • Automatic collection of measurement data from the current monitoring stations of the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSİ)
  • Automatic data collection from the automatic meteorology observation stations of the General Directorate of Meteorology (MGM)
  • Automatic and continuous retrieval of forecasts generated by the ALARO digital weather forecast model from the General Directorate of Meteorology
  • Making weather forecasts by WRF digital weather forecast model
  • Estimation of future water flows in a selected basin
  • by hydrological methods
  • by machine-learning methods
  • Creation of flood-specific and annual operational programs for dams and HEPPs through various optimization methods
  • Storing of all measurement and forecast data in a central database
  • Web-based user interface software of the system allows:
    • Querying measurement and forecast data and creating reports automatically
    • Visualization of basin-specific data on maps

Usage Area:

General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Hydroelectric Power Plants (HEPPs)

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