TÜBİTAK MAM Honors Employees Serving for 25 Years

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TÜBİTAK) Marmara Research Center (MAM) celebrated and greeted its valuable staff members who have completed 25 years of service with a special event.

This special event, which took place in the MAM Conference Hall Foyer, with the participation of TÜBİTAK MAM President Prof. Burcu Özsoy and Vice President of Energy Technologies Dr. Osman Okur, provided an opportunity to commemorate the long years of dedication and contributions of the TÜBİTAK MAM family. The cocktail provided a unique environment for MAM employees to come together, celebrate past achievements, and take steps towards future goals.

Prof. Burcu Özsoy, the President of TÜBİTAK MAM, expressed her gratitude to the experienced TÜBİTAK MAM employees who have completed 25 years of service for their contributions. She stated that the contributions of employees to science and technology shed light on the future of the country.

TÜBİTAK MAM President Prof. Burcu Özsoy presented certificates of appreciation and gifts to the valuable employees. The certificates of appreciation presented were an expression of many years of efforts and dedication.

This special event in the MAM Conference Hall Foyer was not only an anniversary celebration, but also the reflection of the special bond that the MAM family has formed over the years.

TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center takes pride in honoring its esteemed personnel who have completed 25 years of service. This special event was not only a tribute to the past but also a heartfelt gathering where hopes for the future were shared. The participants witnessed an unforgettable event with the sense of belonging that comes with being a part of the MAM family.


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