A Goodwill Agreement (GWA) was signed at TÜBİTAK MAM Gebze Campus with the participation of DeFacto Company representatives and TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) President Prof. Burcu Özsoy. This agreement aims to ensure cooperation on the development of clothes to be used in the National Arctic Scientific Research Expeditions (TASE), the determination of the content of the research and development activities and joint activities to be carried out in the Arctic Region and the development of cooperation models for the implementation of the projects.

The first prototype of the clothes to be developed within the scope of TASE was supplied by DeFacto company and used in the expedition this year; and preliminary results have been obtained in many areas such as textile technology, monitoring of vital functions, durability, thermal comfort, etc. These details were discussed at the meeting and views were exchanged on the development stages.

In textile, which is one of the strongest sectors of our country, a collaboration has been established with TÜBİTAK MAM for polar studies, and clothes (smart textile products) produced by our national brands are used in our polar expeditions. At the end of the meeting, it was decided to accelerate the efforts for the development of this promising picture.

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