National Defense University Naval Academy Machinery Technologies Club students made a technical examination visit to TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center and TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute laboratories on 27 December 2022.

During their technical examinations, the students visited High Temperature Composite Hall, High Temperature Materials Research Development and Repair Center of Excellence, Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technologies Research Laboratory (MILTAL), Underwater Acoustics Laboratory (SAL), Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Bioelectronics Center of Excellence (3B) Photonic Sensors Laboratory under TÜBİTAK MAM Material Technologies Vice Presidency and Acoustic, Force, High Voltage, Time-Frequency and Wavelength Laboratories under TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute.

The students had the opportunity to closely examine examples of extreme composite materials containing structural material technologies for advanced technology materials, to witness technological devices one-on-one, to see developments in critical technologies on site, and to examine the infrastructure of defense technologies closely. In addition, the students had one-on-one interviews with researchers who are competent in their fields regarding the technological applications they are interested in.

In particular, the information on gas turbine material technologies attracted the attention of the students who came second in the TEKNOFEST Jet engine competition in 2021 and ranked first in 2022. Questions of the students about this subject were answered by expert researchers in the field.

During the visit, the students were also informed about the activities of TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute, its place in the world metrology field with its working infrastructure and its contributions to the country.

After the laboratory visits, the students visited the Hannibal Monument in TÜBİTAK Gebze Campus and got information about Hannibal's life.

After the technical trip, the students thanked the staff for the enlightening information.

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